Thursday, April 2, 2009

This Is No April Fool's Day Joke- Here's Your Cytotoxin Cocktail!

My April 1st chemo session went well- no reactions and it seemed to go a little faster this time. The infusion lasted from 9 am til 12:30. Sara was a great chemo buddy and made sure the entire event was smooth for me. She unplugged my i.v. pole for each pee break I needed (which amounted to a surprising number! Have you ever had several bags of fluids forced in you all at once?!) She inquired about all of the drugs and listed them in my book for me which was very cool because sometimes the nurses just administer away without telling me what they are putting in my body. I never knew what about half of the pre-treatment drugs did until Sara asked the nurse yesterday. The nurse took it all in stride with humor and stated that there would be a quiz at the end of the treatment!
After my cyctotoxin delight, we ventured downtown to one of my favorite restaurants for some Chinese/Thai/Vietnamese food. We of course did not eat all 3 types of cuisine but it is a great little place that offers all 3 and does them all well. Makes it hard to decide which route you will go each time. Dave was in between cases at work so he was able to join us. We had a nice visit and then Sara and I headed to Urban Trail Gardens for some plant therapy. The warmth of the greenhouses, the visual eye candy and the visit with my friend Ron were all very therapeutic. I wanted to take home lots of plants but the reality of lingering cold weather and my lack of energy sunk in and I was able to resist and walk out of there with only one special purchase. This spring will be especially tough because my full energy days are limited so I have to indulge by just looking or being excited about other people's garden plans. If anyone out there wants some help with garden plans I would love to pour over books and ideas with them!
It was a good day- one that left me tuckered out by about 6 p.m. but I was glad to get out and enjoy my time with family and friends. I slept well last night and feel pretty good so far today so for that I am ever thankful. I do count my blessings every chance I get.

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